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Posted by Truptikanta Swain on October 2, 2020

So, are you planning to have a little fun and change the general mood of your home? Painting the walls would be just what you might be looking for and to impress you further let me let you know that this activity will also not end up drilling a hole in your pocket if done properly. You can get the entire family together to do it and enjoy it, and the kids are going to absolutely love it! So now that we have set our intentions and mood to paint the walls of our house and have fun letā€™s find out how to go about it!

  1. DONā€™T PICK A COLOUR FIRST: Do not, I repeat, do not start by picking a colour and if you do have a colour in mind, be ready to accept different variations of the same colour. Be open to possibilities, and trust the process.
  2. START WITH AN INSPIRATION: Start with inspiration and get an idea about what you want, as precise as possible! In the world of the internet, there should not be a problem in finding inspiration because it all over the place! Some of our favorites are magazines, Pinterest, and Tumblrand apart from that, you can even get marvellous places to look at on Instagram. If you prefer video content then you can go on YouTube and look at ā€œapartment makeoversā€ or similar content to find your match. It is not important to search for interiors and looking at walls only, you can be inspired by the pattern on a gift wrap of someoneā€™s nail art. The trick, however, is to not get lost and trapped into it and not let it devour you and focus on why you are here and when you get it, get away from it and start doing what you wanted to do!
  3. FOCAL POINT: Gotten your inspiration at a place? Now start by figuring out what is the focus or the focal point of the room. It could be a painting or some kind of furniture or could just be a lamp. You can find out what the focal point of the room is just by focusing on the thing that drags your attention when you first enter the room as a stranger, just notice where your attention automatically is drawn to when you enter the room that is going to get a new life.

This will not only give an opportunity to know what a stranger notices when they first see the room at a glance, but will also give you an idea about the colours that are already present (as you plan on keeping it in the room after the painting is done) in the room and are already getting the highest attention.

  1. USE THE FURNITURE AS AN ACCENT: Now that we know what attracts the most amounts of eyeballs, let us now find out what are the props we are going to be working around. The furniture that you plan on keeping after the painting is done need to match or at least go well with the colour and mood of the room that we are going to be setting, we will discuss this later. So after deciding what are the furniture that is going to stay in the room, observe closely and from afar and note what is the general colour theme do they fall into. Are they browns? Or are they dark browns but appear like blacks? Or are they painted to be a solid black, white, or maybe a turquoise? After that, we are all set to get an estimate of what would look good and subtly match and elevate the look and mood of the room.
  2. DECIDE ON THE MOOD: Decide the mood of the room. By the “mood” of the room I mean to decide whether it’s a multipurpose room (like the living or lounge area) or a does the room have a definite purpose (such as a kitchen area or a bathroom) or is it a bedroom (where the mood would be cosy and dreamy). Deciding the mood for a room would be essential while deciding on a colour palette of the space. Like darker colours may not reflect more light and make the room look and feel cosier and lighter colours might be able to change the mood of the room to a jolly and a more playful one.
  3. DECIDE THE COLOUR PALETTE: When the eyes move from the living room to the kitchen and then to the bedroom basically speaking when the eyes move from one area to another, the colour should appear to be flowing together and working well with each other. This is important because if the colours start clashing with each other, it will not look cohesive and cute no matter the finish and no matter the brand of your colour. You can go online and search and look for the colour palettes that you might like and that will also go with the vibe and mood of the room.
  4. STICK TO YOUR FAVOURITES: Here we would have insisted on some professional advice but as we are doing it as a fun activity and focusing on the fun part of the process, we will try our best to keep it budget-friendly and hence taking some professional advice would not be an option! So, if you are not going to take any professional advice and are not being able to figure out what should be the colour of the room, sticking to your favourites would be the best option. Stick to your favourite colours and look for colours that are similar to that of your favourite colour and, You have a colour palette ready. The other and better way to decide on an accurate colour palette to work with is to look for the undertones. Undertones are basically the underlying colour that is usually one of the primary colours. The colours that remind you of the cold like greens and blues are “cool” colours and the colours that remind you of the summer sun like the yellows, oranges, and reds are “warm” tone colours! This is important to make sure the walls of the room go well with each other and so that you do not have to succumb to the uncertainty of the and look and make sure the colours you pick are going to look good together.
  5. TRY COMPLEMENTARY COLOURS: If you are confident about your colour picking skills and your knack for undertones, you could go ahead and pick complementary colours. The key to making complementary colours work together is the undertones! For example, the colour Pink would generally belong to the “warm colours” and the colour green would generally belong to the “cool family”, but a variant of both, to say, baby pink and baby green work as well together as they both have a similar level of saturation (brightness) and are both muted.
  6. THINK OF THE SHEEN: Sheen in a paint colour basically refers to the shine or the glossiness in the paint. This may at first appear like something you may want to have on your walls but in actuality, too much sheen may not be as alluring as it may sound. Sheen in a paint colour basically brings any irregularities on the walls. The higher the sheen the higher the visibility of the irregularities, hence we would highly advise considering smoothing out the wall texture before putting on a shiny paint colour or paint with a higher sheen for a polished look.

Here are some general guidelines for different finish choices:

  1. FLAT (MATTE): Flat paint is likely going to have no shine at all. Perfect for low traffic areas where you would want to space as cosier as possible. Example: bedrooms, bathrooms, and also ceilings.
  2. FLAT ENAMEL: This kind of paint also has almost no shine and is a bit easier to clean than flat paint. This can also be ideally used in low traffic areas and will be a better-preferred choice if you have kids and pets around.
  3. EGG-SHELL ENAMEL: Eggshell enamel has a tiny bit of shine and is a good choice for moderate traffic areas such as living rooms. Most scuffs can be wiped out with a damp cloth.
  4. SATIN ENAMEL:Has a bit more shine and works well in high traffic areas or areas that have moisture. It is also super wiped out which is why it is perfect for kitchens and bathrooms.
  5. SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL:Shiny but not glass-like. This is what you should use on cabinets and trim, or in really high moisture areas.
  6. HI-GLOSS ENAMEL: Shiny!Ā This gives an almost glass-like finish and is perfect for high use surfaces (like a railing) or furniture.
  7. THINK ABOUT THE SIZE OF YOUR ROOM:The size of your room matters!

Darker colours like magenta, red, violet, or blue, these deep solid colours will make your space look smaller and shrink the visual space in the area, can make the space look dull but if handled and contrasted properly, these colours can also make the look elegant and rich. Whereas, on the contrary, lighter colours like cream, white and muted colours like pale yellow have the capacity to make any area look brighter, this also has the potential to open up the visual area and make your room look bigger simply by being able to reflect more light.

  1. LIGHTING: Lighting plays a very important role in the overall appearance of just about anything and then the walls are no exception. The colour that you are going to choose, choose not only looks good in the natural lighting but should also go well with the kind of lighting in the room. Is it normal warm-toned house lighting or is it a little office feeling white light or maybe a bright fluorescent light! Whatever the lighting maybe, but it should go well with the colour of the room. For example: if your colour of choice is a sky-bluish colour, your warm house lighting can make it appear greenish because a mixture of blue and yellow gives you green.
  2. PATCH TEST: Before putting any colour directly on the wall, but the colour you have chosen on a little cloth or do a little patch test on the wall and imagine how it would look on the entire wall and trust your imagination.
  3. HAVE A SIMILAR COLOUR SCHEME GOING ON: This obviously does not mean that you have to paint the entire house the same colour or that you cannot play around and have fun, I mean that was the whole point, right!? So a similar colour scheme basically refers to colours that hail from the same family or to put it more precisely and easily it usually means to stick to colour with the same or similar undertones. No, you don’t have to study the entire colour theory or re-master that art class that you might have starred in but a little homework will be required. You can do that on the World Wide Web or ask for some help from an expert.

So these were certain tips that will surely help you find your perfect colour according to the room and mood of the space. Some of these you might know and some might be new and not heard off but newness is what keeps life exciting like the new colour is going to change the vibe of your room and give it a new life.


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