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NEW: Category Slider Shortcode

With this shortcode you would be able to list the states/cities/neighborhoods/categories/type your site/agency covers.

[places_slider place_list=”743, 1487, 40, 4, 2″]

Places Shortcode Type 2

With this shortcode you would be able to list the cities/neighborhoods/categories/type your site/agency covers.

[places_list place_list=”17″ place_per_row=”1″ place_type=”2″]
[places_list place_list=”1487″ place_per_row=”1″ place_type=”2″]
[places_list place_list=”20″ place_per_row=”1″ place_type=”2″]

Places Shortcode Type 1

With this shortcode you would be able to list the cities/neighborhoods/categories/type your site/agency covers.

[places_list place_list=”17,1487,20″ place_per_row=”3″ place_type=”1″]

Latest Properties Shortcode

With this shortcode you would be able to list the properties from specific cities, areas, types or categories (in any combination).

[recent_items control_terms_id=”743,17,4,9,2,3″ number=”3″ rownumber=”3″ link=”#”]

Latest Properties Shortcode – List Style

With this shortcode you would be able to list the properties from specific cities, areas, types or categories (in any combination).

[recent_items control_terms_id=”743,17,4,9,2,3″ number=”3″ rownumber=”3″ align=”horizontal” featured_first=”yes” link=”#”]
[slider_recent_items title=”Properties Slider” number=”4″]

Properties by Agent Shortcode

This shortcode shows all properties attached to a specific agent.

[listings_per_agent agentid=”45″ nooflisting=”3″]

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